About the Institute
The Living Younger Longer Institute is an autonomous research and educational institution in the Denver area. Our outreach is through treatment at our clinic, teaching classes and private trainings. Our mission is to inspire and motivate healthy living by providing outstanding mind-body educational, art, music and physical activity programs in the community.
About Us
While in faculty positions at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, The University of Denver, and Metropolitan State University and the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Joe and Jacqui developed a unique curriculum for allowing students to truly experience the accumulated wisdom of centuries through the timeless exercise of Tai Chi. Dedicated to lifelong learning of health through fitness. Joe and Jacqui have established and coordinated clinical Tai Chi and Medical Qigong programs at St. Joseph, Littleton and Porter Hospitals.
Joseph Brady, M.S.T.C.M., L.Ac., Dipl., O.M.
Joseph Brady, M.S.T.C.M., L.Ac., Dipl.
Joseph Brady is a licensed acupuncturist and nationally board-certified practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM.) Joe began practicing Yang style Tai Chi Ch’uan in 1967 and has been teaching Tai Chi/Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine for 30 years at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Metropolitan State College of Denver, and community colleges. He currently teaches Tai Chi/Qigong and supervises clinics at the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Joe also coordinated and taught for the Gerontology certificate healthy aging issues program at the University of Denver for twenty years and wrote a regular column on healthy aging for the Rocky Mountain News. He has presented at many scientific conferences, including lecturing and presenting research at Harvard Medical School’s Osher Institute for Integrative Medicine, Oxford Union Debating Hall and Harris Manchester College, Oxford University U.K.
Joe currently runs his own clinic, is on faculty at CSTCM and DU, writes a weekly “Barefoot Doctor’s Journal” blog, and serves as Director of Living Younger Longer Institute.

Jacqui Shumway, B.B.A, M.A.
Jacqui Shumway is a therapeutic kinesiologist who specializes in redirectional therapy and promotion of Mind/Body healing. Her unique Medical Qi-Gong, Tai Chi Ch'uan, and martial arts approaches to working with physical education and disabilities earned her notice in higher education circles, where she taught for over 25 years.
Jacqui served many years as Western Region Director for the National Association of Health and Fitness, as Vice President of the Colorado Governor’s Council for Physical Fitness, as Treasurer for Colorado Ceasefire, helped found The Bike Depot and Bikes Together Bike Camp, and most recently, as Co-Chair of City Park Alliance.
Winner of numerous awards, Jacqui has twice been a featured presenter at the Oxford Roundtable at Oxford University, England.
She is currently serving as Park Hill site coordinator for DU's Osher LIfelong Learning Institute, where she also facilitates classes. She continues to teach community Tai Chi Ch'uan classes, to work privately with clients, and to teach workshops in promoting personal Mind/Body healing.
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